Sunday, January 25, 2015

Cozy Winter Nights Jan 2015

It's actually been remarkably warm in January for the most part but hey, winter is still cold and dark.  We are all homebodies when it's like that.  We enjoy lounging on the couch or Mom and Dad's bed. Tonight after family meeting which was short b/c we also had church prayer group, El and Gabe decided to pull out the Snap Circuits and proceeded to spend a very fast hour and a half enjoying themselves. Isaiah's into reading the latest Warrior book on the Kindle. 

Other nights we've had out Rummicub, Phase 10, Dominoes, UNO DARE, Battleship, and of course Wii Sports Resort Tournaments. After all, the family that fences, dive bombs and boxes each other stays together :).  It's nice that most of the time we can all play nicely together. 

Our church recently had a family game night. We had a gym so the soccer turn basketball turn volleyball matches went on continually while we had several tables of Scategories, cards games and even a funny caption making game that Elly and Gabe loved.  A few snacks and hot drinks and it was a good night. 

We haven't played much Hide and Seek or Sardines in the dark lately...have to pull that one out soon.  Is it bad that I hide in a great place and spend a 1/2 hour reading a book while they all look for me?

Aug 2014

Today (Aug 31, 2014) I'm recording weights and heights...possibly for the first time in...well, I don't remember.
Isaiah age 12 years 7 months 21 days, 5 feet 4 1/2 inches, 112 lbs.
Elly age 10 years 6 months 5 days, 4 feet 10 1/2 inches, 80 lbs.
Gabe age 8 years 5 months, 4 feet 6 1/2 inches, 76 lbs.
Ah, I've fulfilled my mommy duty for another season :).

What have we been doing this summer?
April and May:
We recovered from CC, finished up soccer, AWANA, and art. Did projects each week around the house. Enjoyed some things we'd missed during our crazy CC directing year: nature sketching, nature walking, biking, handicrafts, books like Sam Campbell's Forest Friends series, Holling C Holling's Pagoo, My Island Story up through Queen Elizabeth and many things Charlotte Mason. I was so happy to find her writings again. She has such a wonderful, gentle art of learning. We had many lovely ideas to pursue just because we loved learning about them.
The month of 5 Day Clubs. We had one with 26 of our friends attending. One of our biggest yet. The kids attended several more as well as BBC's VBS. EH didn't have VBS and I have to say, I was relieved.
The highlights of July were going to camp and vacationing. Isaiah attended outdoor camp for a few days doing fun things like burning wood, making food over fire, chopping wood, having paint ball slingshot wars, shooting, playing night games, eating grubs (yes, that was a highlight for him), learning about the armor of God and generally having a load of fun while not having to change clothes at all. :). Elly and Gabe and 9 more of their EH friends went to camp the middle of the month. Everyone had fun during one of the coolest weeks of camp ever. They were happy to swim once, eat all kinds of sugar, play a lot of gaga ball, have loads of time with buddies and learn all about traveling light--as a light to the world with light baggage (no sin). Then we headed to Branson with the Reids. We had a lovely condo that had a great pool which the kids used every day. We went to Silver Dollar City for the best roller coasters ever, a clogger show and a one hour tour of marvel cave! It was our first cave and a hard one to beat. Lovely to hike through. Our hour underground went by quickly. Then we attended Jonah at the Sight and Sound Theater for a great, awe inspiring, and thought provoking show. I was concerned about taking 5 boys to it, but it was a hit. We learned there's a little (or a lot) of Jonah in all of us when we presume mercy b/c we're good. The last day we hit the fish hatchery, saw the dam museum and had some time in the lake much to the kids delight. There was even a trip to Hard Work U (College of the Ozarks) for ice cream made by students who don't pay tuition but work at the college in exchange for it and then a lovely scenic trip out to the Branson airport at twilight while seeing lots of deer (and buffalo--though not wild). We had a great trip down and back. It's fun to travel while listening to Odyssey's US History stories.
We though August might be low key and I suppose it was compared to June and July but here we are at the end of it and I'm not sure where it went. We continued to "add a subject a week" which we added to the ever present reading and online drills: starting with Math, nature reading, handwriting. Then we added our new ABC coop for a toned down CC experience. The kids started piano back up after working this summer on their own and doing some Simply Music sessions. Isaiah started Robotics club last week much to his delight. This coming week we'll start art for El and Gabe as well as family fall soccer and then next Monday Isaiah embarks on his biggest adventure yet: Knights Speech and Debate. He's really excited to dig in. So here we are adding to our fall, praying that we have perseverance to do well and learn much while we enjoy our time with our Creator and each other.
Our theme for our school year is HONOR. Treating others as special. Doing more than what's expected. Doing it with a good attitude. We're praying God will continue to show us and grow us into kids that bring glory to Him.

Christmas 2013

Well, Christmas has come and gone and here I sit on New Year's Eve wondering where the year went. This fall has been busy but rewarding. We've discovered RMT to help all of us optimize our learning. We're hard at work moving in ways that make good connections for our brains. Elly also now has her new Irlen lenses. She seems more confident. It's my prayer that daily RMT work will fix her light sensitivity so that those lenses aren't necessary in a year.
We had two great vacations. First to DC to visit the Reid/Simons and Kathy, Kate and Max over Thanksgiving. It was the first plane trip for the kids who were super excited. Isaiah wanted to see the Natural History Museum, which was impressive. Elly and I especially loved the gems and crystal section. The rest was good but b/c of the evolution being stated as facts, it was a little frustrating too. It was good practice b/c the next week we roadtripped with CC and EH friends to the Creation Museum near Cincinnati. It was WONDERFUL start to finish. We just soaked up information that bolstered our faith and drew us closer to our Creator. We especially loved the nightly pool parties and morning breakfasts at the hotel with our buddies.
We came home to try to love Christmas without being too busy to appreciate the reason for the season. It helped that our church was working on the Advent Conspiracy to worship fully, spend less and give more (or ourselves) this season. We enjoyed making duct tape bags and goodies, giving coupons for snow shoveling, babysitting and cleaning.
Our Christmas was definitely smaller as far as gifts and money spent on us but the memories we made on our trips and just having fun together playing games (Bananagrams, Tenzi, Pictionary, Train Dominoes) and making food and decorations were a big highlight for everyone. Noone missed having more presents.
And now we're off to Aschoff's for our NYE party with EH buddies. CC starts up again next Monday. Still plenty to do there. Praying about what next year looks like for us with that as well.
And we are ending our 2013 and beginning our 2014 with Stormie Omartian's 7 Day Prayer Warrior Experience. We've learned so far to support our "core" with truth...not just knowing it but living it and making our decisions accordingly. And we read tonight about how our breastplate of righteousness will protect our hearts. If we live and move in God's way...the right way...we'll avoid a lot of pain and be protected under God's umbrella of blessing.


Been awhile...
updates: We've heavy into CC year two, directing which is more of a family commitment. We've been introduced to Rhythm Movement Therapy which has helped with Isaiah's focus and impulsivity. Elly and Gabe have been diagnosed with Irlens Syndrome...a light sensitivity issue that results in text distortions and depth perception problems. Elly will see the screener for tinted eye glasses to help with this. She's very excited to read without as much difficulty. Kev and I are preparing to take our conceal/carry class finally with some buddies next weekend. We are flying to DC for Thanksgiving ...first flight for the kids. We will also be roadtripping with EH and CC buddies to the Creation Science Museum in Dec. Big fun coming.
We've finished soccer and football for another year. Happy am I . Elly continues in art. Everyone enjoys AWANA...Isaiah is motivated to help me with Puggles. Isaiah is enjoying a robot class and considering making the robot club an activity. It seems to suit him for interest and ability.
The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever. And we're thankful.


We also spent some time on our staycation out with our friends, the Aschoffs. We hit Papio Fun Park for some laser tag, go karts and mini golf. Elly went from riding to puttering around the course to Nascar driver in the space of an afternoon. Our family laser tag games were fun...nothing like shooting your family full of lasers! We hit the park afterward for some more fall fun. It was a memorable day for the Reids.


We had a stay-cation this October. We started out with our first skating party at Hope skate. With Dad's help, Gabe was able to really do well and keep up with Isaiah and Elly. It was fun to skate to Christian music new and old. We hit the zoo with Dad next to see the new aquarium and tried out a new restaurant: King Kong with huge burgers for Dad, "the best" chicken strips Gabe had ever had and a gyro for Isaiah and Mom which was new for Isaiah and very yummy. We finished the day with our CC friends at a fall family fun, crafts and games galore. It was a great start to our sometimes busy, sometimes not-so-much week.


We went on the Rivercity Star Paddleboat up the Missouri River today. It was great but breezy. The "Big Muddy" was indeed all that. We saw some of the flood damage from last year and went all the way down to the casinos. Kids enjoyed eating and watching. Isaiah had a learning moment after he got his leg stuck in the railings...but a very kind woman loaned us her sunscreen and his knee slide right out. He'll be more careful in the future.

5 Day Club

5 Day Club was a blast! Thanks for Karsten and the Reiss kids. Karsten led Mitchell to the Lord and 5 other kids, not even from our street, came thanks to Olivia. Good fun, great stories, Bible Verses, songs and games. Perfect weather except for Thursday when we were in the basement...which was the place to be considering the wind and rain that let loose right as we started. God is good...all the time.

Track Meet

Homeschool Track Meet today! Great weather: warm with cloud cover. Kids all finished their races and persevered through at least 6-8 events. Elly placed in two events: 50 yd dash and softball throw. Boys did well too, but Gabe was more than a little disappointed to not place...but he ran his heart out. Good to talk with some friends we hardly ever see. Next year, Kev and I will not both be in the tabulation booth! ;)


Gabe funnies for this week: "Mom, the gastropods are eating your rose leaves." After studying snails and slugs. And after studying tapeworms and parasitic worms (though one wonders why Apologia includes such lovely info). We're on our way into HyVee..."Mom, do you suppose they have meat in here that has tapeworm eggs in it?" Loudly and intently. Poor woman in front of us didn't know whether to laugh or cry I think. Just another fun mommy moment of wishing the floor would open and swallow me :).

Mother's Day 2012

A lovely mother's day. Woke up to three cuddly kids, flowers and pistachios and M&M's. Had a wonderful day at church with a great SS lesson, fabulous music set and challenging sermon. Chipotle for lunch made everyone happy. Relaxing afternoon reading an engrossing book while checking in with various kids and projects. Now everyone's in bed and I'm journaling. Thank you, Lord for these you've blessed me with for this time.

balloon fun May 2012

Went to a ballooning demo tonight. Beautiful weather but windier than necessary. But the kids got to blow the fire and they inflated the balloon. Great fun!


Practicing ABC verses with Gabe today "Mom, you said Psalm but it starts with a P, not an S...what is up with that?" Don't we all want to know that, Boy Wonder? :) He was singing/speaking so loud and clear that he thought he deserved a Popsicle because "every Grandma in the back row will be able to hear me". He was full of it today.

5.2.12 Shakespeare

We read through Lamb's interpretation of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night tonight. It was still a little steep but we got most of the twists and turns and did predict the end.

Plot: Twin boy/girl are shipwrecked and separated. Girl decides upon landing in a new place to serve as a page in disguise to a Duke who is in love with a woman (Olivia) who doesn't want anything to do with him. Duke spends all his time talking to page (Cesario) and she falls in love with his heart. Duke asks Cesario to relay his feelings to Olivia who falls rapidly in love with Cesario instead. Somehow b/c of this attraction of Olivia, a former suitor of hers challenges Cesario to a duel. Cesario is saved by Antonio who has mistaken the page for her brother (Sebastian) whom he rescued from the ocean. Cesario is carted away just in time for Olivia to find Sebastian, thinking he's the page and telling him of her love. They marry. Duke comes back on the scene to find they've married...very miffed. Big hoopla when the twins both finally end up in the same place. Cesario is revealed as the lady, Viola. Duke realizes she has loved him and changes his affections. They marry. And everyone lives happily ever after.

Yeah, that's quite the sequence of events. Elly very much enjoyed it. Gabe was falling asleep. Isaiah kept listening and commenting while gagging on the overt romance :).

4.15.12 Honor

Sunday School lesson today in the "Honor Club" was about being a drain (selfish person) vs. a fountain (someone to adds to family life). Kids did a good job identifying situations with drains and fountains, learning a Bible verse related and working out plans for being fountains this week. Already getting lots of opportunity to practice! Love it!

Summer plans 2012

school finishes:
Science next week finishes Zoology 3...maybe we'll do ANATOMY in May and June??
History: chapter 20 this week (got a little behind over break) so....looking at doing 2 chap a week to finish end of June.

Done with all 4th grade Time4Learning. Started 5th grade.
Spelling--7 more hopefully done by May.
English--on lesson 40 of 60 so we'll double up after Spelling is done to finish by end of May
Reading is his own for now. Library reading program is coming.

Still working through Time4Learning since she started in March...will continue for summer I think at least Lang. Arts.
Math on lesson 126 of 140 but doing 1/2 a end of May at least.

Done with Math 1st grade book this week...we'll keep doing oral.
On lesson 74 or 100 for Reading going every other day and reviewing so will go through June if we finish. He might get the hang of trade books with library program this summer I hope.

E and I will continue piano, Math trainer flashcards, US geo/Presidents, Isaiah will type and El will do handwriting (maybe cursive? if she wants).

Ne History trips being planned to start in June, but getting some in before: Safari Park, Mahoney, Fremont Train, Boys Town?
Omaha Library's Reading Program starts June 1 through July.
Need to get to Ambassador and do joybelles, maybe 4H.


Family game night :) Chicken foot dominoes, UNO and Farkle. So funny to hear Gabe so dramatic about "I'm gonna farkle!" Actually the Mama had to take the most of those. Elly's southern accent throughout added some fun too. She's such a stitch. Yesterday it was English.

I know it was loud (not outside time today...lots of rain) but fun anyway.


Lunch today, Gabe: "My intestines are having a 'fuffet' (buffet). They appreciate Chipotle". Mine too, bud.


Today we found baskets and eggs. Especially fun with Charlotte in tow. Had a Chipotle lunch much to everyone's delight and went kite flying. We've can for the most part, do their own kite flying...even lying down on the ground. A nice sunny, breezy day in NE. Now we're baking and cooking and listening to Easter music on KLOVE...a good afternoon of peace and reflection.


Last day of CC at Emmanuel today. Was a good day for it. We made paper sack puppets and I think the kids could have cheerfully worked on those the whole time. Elly and Gabe came home and made a few more and even Daddy got in on the fun.


Today was another beautiful spring day in Omaha. There were a few clouds and a little rain. Our hyacinths are blooming and the bleeding heart. Tulips will be next. Very exciting.

Our friends Sarah and Brooke came for playing and supper. Praying for their family, Sarah's health and that we can be Jesus to them.